Ancient myths and stories are rich with references to castles, some real and some imagined. Here are a few lesser known mythological castles and towers:
Black Castle – the alchemist's lair
Castle of Corbenic – medieval legendary castle; those who dwell within have all their heart's desires with the additional status of being the guardians of the Grail
Castle of Darkness – the home of the Black Knight; represents the abode of Pluto
Castle of Insolence – located in the land of Drowsiness of James Thompson's poem; the castle's owner, an enchanter, "enticed passers-by that he might engage them in sensual pleasures" (Jobes 1961)
Castle of No Return – the abode of Caron; inaccessible to living men
Caer Sidi – also known as the Castle of Revelry, Castle of Wonders, Castle Perilous, Grail Castle; a strong-doored, four-square lofty castle of glass, the castle spun around so that no one might find the entrance; grand feasts and revelry went on inside
The Bronze Tower – prison of Danae, the mother of Perseus, who rescued his mother from her captor, Polydectes, using the head of Medusa thus turning Polydectes to stone
The Tower – XVIth card in the Tarot deck; one of the major arcana; a positive card representing progress and positive action; the card's illustration shows a tower being destroyed by lightning which symbolizes the casting out of remaining aspects of the self which prevent essential unity of being
Tower of Ivory – Christian symbol of the virgin Mary; symbol of the accessible, the feminine principle, and virginity; represent the feminine sheltering and protective aspect
Tower of Xelhua – legendary Mexican tower built by nine survivors of a great flood; led by Xelhua, legendary hero, the tower was built to a great height; it was struck by lightning and all perished