Thor's goat drawn chariot.
Four horned goat – emblem of the prophet Daniel
Goat blood – in ancient Scotland, a cross is dipped in goat’s blood and set on fire to call the clans to war
Goat disposition – licentiousness, whoremaster
Goat-drawn cart – chariot of Thor or Pan
Goat gallbladder – African symbol of honor, placed in the hair
Goat poetry – ancient Greek poetry about the crimes and mysteries of man
Goat reins – in ancient funeral rites, black goat reins were sacrificed and given to the dead man as a viaticum to assist his resurrection
Goatskin – used to make shields
Goat’s rue – symbol of reason, also called cat gut
Goat with fish tail – ancient Babylonian symbol of the god Ea, supreme sky deity sometimes depicted as a goat-fish or merman; corresponds to Capricornus in western zodiacs
One horned goat – biblical depiction of Alexander the Great representing his swiftness in battle and his great strength
Ride a goat – part of an initiation into a secret society, often done with humor
Scapegoat – to bear blame; among Jews of antiquity a goat was used. “Over its head on the Day of Atonement the high priest confessed the sins of all people, thus placing them on the goat, after which it was driven into the wilderness as propitiation to Azazel" (Jobes, pg 666).
Separate sheep from goats – separate good from evil, from the Last Judgment
Three goats – emblem of the notorious Becchi family of Florence, mentioned in Dante’s Inferno