"In the history of symbols the importance of the queen is not necessarily comparable to that of the king; she appears rather as a complementary term in dualities, rarely standing alone, at least in secular texts" (Biedermann, pg. 276). However, Biedermann goes on to state that in legends and fairytales, there are "female royalty from the supernatural realm…that in older times…women were allowed more influence than in the Judeo-Christian era".
According to Jobes, the queen symbolizes "Dignity, fertility, motherhood, noble birth, stateliness, wealth. Figuratively, a gifted woman, a woman leader. From the root gan meaning to produce or germinate. Word akin to Kwanyin" (pg. 1311).
In alchemy, the queen represents quicksilver. The psychological significance of the queen, appearing in dreams, may be as a symbol of the feminine principle or the Mother. In the tarot deck, the Queen card represents the soul and the “inner pattern of a particular human personality” (Jobes). Attributes of the queen are the crown, the crown of stars, the turreted crown, crescent moon, stars, orb, scepter, chalice, and the blue mantle. The queen’s color and metal is lunar silver.