Artio bronze statue
In addition to beings noted on other posts related to Bear Symbolism, here are a few more:
Aleyin – Phoenician god of clouds, wind, rain, spring; son of Ba’al, brother of the goddess Anat; depicted as the rider of the clouds, he is accompanied by eight wild bears
Artio – the sacred Celtic she-bear of Berne in Switzerland; the goddess of wild game, worshiped by ancient Helvetians; goddess of the “bear sark“ or bearskin shirt worn to give warriors strength and courage
Callisto – Arcadian, Pre-Hellenic, Greek goddess; depicted in animal form as a mother bear; her symbol is this she-bear
Ga-Oh – Huron, Iroquois, Seneca, North American Indian great Spirit of the Winds, the giant who controls the bear; Seneca Indian Spirit of the north wind who helps a young boy become a swift runner to win a race with bear – in the end the bear offers his life to the boy
Glispa – Navajo Indian culture heroine; one of two sisters who married Bear; she created a shamanistic dance to cure sickness